If you would like to update your payment method, the process will differ depending on if you signed up for Diet Doctor using a credit card or a PayPal account.  

Credit card

Visit your membership page by going to your profile and click on My membership. Temporarily, you will see one of the following two options:

  • Click on Update payment method. You will be directed to a page where you will see your payment methods. You can click on Choose another way to pay to add or update a payment method.
  • Click on Manage my membership. On this page, you can add, update, and delete payment methods. You also are given the option to set a method to default by clicking on the green check mark, or moving it to another payment method.


Visit your membership page by going to your profile and click on My membershipClick on Manage PayPal pre-approved payments and you will be directed to your PayPal account. Update under Payment method and choose your desired payment method.



You can manage your payment method in your iTunes account.


Google Play

You can manage your payment method in your Google Play account.


Should you have any further questions or concerns, please tap or click the Help button at the bottom right of the screen. 

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