You can sign up for a Diet Doctor membership which includes a free trial, by clicking the “Free trial” button on the Diet Doctor website, or by using this link.

A free membership trial gives you full access to everything on Diet Doctor – including 100+ meal plans, 1,300+ original recipes, access to the meal planner, and over 500 low‑carb videos. Your support also helps empower people everywhere. 

More information about our membership can be found here:

More information about membership benefits

The cost of a membership

Annual membership

Diet Doctor offers an annual membership that is $99 USD for a year's worth of access to our Diet Doctor Plus benefits.

Payment is by credit card (Visa or Mastercard) or via PayPal, and $99 is automatically charged to your account after the trial concludes if you haven’t canceled. This is an automatically renewing membership.

You may cancel your membership at any time. No further charges will be made.


If you have other questions or need further assistance, please reach out to

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